EIN Applications for Non-U.S. Owners
Every U.S. business needs to apply for an EIN.
You NEED the EIN in order to:
- Open bank accounts
- File tax returns
- Start company payroll
- Complete Form W-9 & W-8
Applying for an EIN as a nonresident can be a hassle...
A nonresident generally DOES NOT have an SSN or ITIN, so they must use a different process than most US persons.
Many companies are charging nonresidents HUNDREDS of dollars to apply for the EIN on their behalf. This simple guide will show you how to do it yourself!
We will cover those procedures in this guide...
The course has the following modules:
1. What types of entities need an EIN?
2. What are the challenges facing non-U.S. persons when they apply for an EIN?
3. Review a sample EIN application for a single-member LLC
4. Review a sample EIN application for a multi-member LLC
5. Review a sample EIN application for a U.S. corporation
6. Review a sample EIN application for a foreign entity
7. Review a sample EIN confirmation letter from the IRS
8. Review how an entity classification election may impact your EIN application
We hope you find this guide helpful!